

to be / what you want

What you want more than anything is to be seen. To be seen is to be known. To be known is to be understood. To be understood is to be accepted. To be accepted is to be welcomed. To be welcomed is to be connected. To be connected is to be felt. To be felt is to be embraced. To be embraced is to be taken in. To be taken in is to be part of. To be part of is to be wanted. To be wanted is to be understood. To be understood is to be heard. To be heard is to have spoken freely. To speak freely is to share. To share is to be able to trust. To trust is to be brave. To be brave is to be strong. To be strong is to be powerful. To be powerful is to be unafraid. To be unafraid is to be confident. To be confident is to be sure. To be sure is to be at peace. To be at peace is to be one. To be one is to be you.

If all of this is true, then to be you is to be one is to be at peace is to be sure is to be confident is to be unafraid is to be powerful is to be strong is to be brave is to trust is to share is to have spoken freely is to be heard is to be understood is to be wanted is to be part of is to be taken in is to be embraced is to be felt is to be connected is to be welcomed is to be accepted is to be understood is to be known is to be seen is to be what you want.