
works in progress

Since finishing my MFA in 2004, I’ve focused on my professional life as a teacher and academic administrator, and I’ve poured my writing-self into journaling–writing as a means to heal my Self and my Soul. So when folks ask where I’ve published or what I’ve published or if I have a book, well, I don’t have too many answers. I have no regrets about any of this, just a very short bibliography.

It’s time to work on that bibliography; if I want to publish a book at some point I’m going to have to prove to editors and agents that I’m actually good at what I do. So 2013 is going to be all about publishing. I have a ton of nearly-finished pieces in the hopper and I’m revising, revising, and revising right now, readying stuff to be sent out into the hands of editors at lit journals large and small, online and print. I’ll be working on Acceptance too, of course, and workshopping it with my newly formed writing group, the B4 writers (a riff on Seattle7Writers, the group that got us all together).

I’ll post drafts and completed pieces here but, until they’re published, I’m going to keep them password protected. Don’t take it personally. I know you wouldn’t steal my stuff. So if you’re interested in reading what I’m working on, send me an email and, after a thorough vetting, I’ll give you the secret password. And won’t you feel special then?

Wish me luck,


March 2013

Run (a creative non-fiction/experimental thing about youth)

Walking the Dogbrain Landscape (an old blog post, revisioned and revised)

Through Parted Curtains (a coming of age story)

It’ll Do You Some Good (a short story about how the South refuses to change)

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